Gluten-Free, Lactose-Free Cinnamon Swirl Cupcakes |
I absolutely love finding new, creative and delicious ways to eat gluten-free! So I wanted to share this incredible recipe I made for the most amazing gluten free cupcakes I've ever baked. Now I don't know about you, but the cupcakes I've made before turned out terrible! Flat, gritty, tasteless messes that ended up under cooked or burned on the bottom. Bah! So when I decided to try a new vanilla cake mix, I was skeptical, but it turned out amazing! Crispy, sweet tops...Soft, fluffy centers... mm mm....
So how do you make it? Let me tell you...
What you'll need:
Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Vanilla Cake Mix
3 Large Whole Eggs, Room Temperature
1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
1/2 cup Water, Room Temperature
1/2 cup sugar
2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon (depending on how much you like cinnamon)
Now, my first confession, I didn't let the eggs sit until room temperature. I cheated. I took a 2 cup measuring container, filled it about two-thirds with very warm (but not boiling hot) water. I then put the eggs in the water and let them sit on the counter about 5-6 minutes, or until I gathered the other ingredients, sprayed my cupcake pans, and did a quick once over on the recipe on the back of the cake mix package.
My second confession is that the water wasn't room temperature either. I turned some cold water on with the hot until it felt like room temperature, then filled my measuring cup. Trust me when I say that even though I shortcutted, they still turned out fluffy and amazing! OK, confessions over! Let's get down to business.
Step 1:
I made the cake mix according to the instructions on the back of the cake mix package. I didn't have a timer for the 30 and 60 seconds, I just counted them out aloud. If you are a poor judge of time, like I used to be before I starting cooking a lot more, then you can use a stop watch, or whatever you are comfortable with. But here's a few tips if you don't have a timer:
1. When whipping the eggs, I found they became really bubbly and foaming, almost to the point if you were making a meringue or beginning an angel food cake.
2. The cake mix gets reeeeeaaaally thick during the 60 second interval, but DO NOT STOP MIXING!!! I found the easiest way is to stroke from one side of the bowl straight across to the other, and then raising up slightly while spinning the bowl just a smidgen for another stroke. This makes a good way to count out 60 seconds if you do 60 strokes. Just be careful of the splash effect from your mixer! :-)
Step 2:
Pour your mix into your cupcake pan, filling each cupcake hole about 2/3 full. I used the mini one cuz I like more crispy edges and less mushy in the center. You can use a regular cake pan, regular size cupcake pan, or round pans. I also didn't use liners as I didn't have any, but if you spray just a smidgen of cooking spray in the very bottom of your cupcake holes, they should slide right out. Just don't go overboard with the spray as that could ruin the cupcakes!
Step 3:
Now the fun part! Mix your cinnamon and sugar together. Using a small spoon, sprinkle the mixture over the tops of your cupcakes (or your cake). I put about 3/4 of a teaspoon on each cupcake, but you can use more or less, depending on how much you like cinnamon. Just don't go over board, or like the spray, you'll throw the composition of the cupcake off and they could be ruined.
Using a toothpick (or small spatula if using a cake pan), swirl and tuck the cinnamon sugar into your cupcakes (or cake). I found the best method for me was to swirl up and down three times, then twice across, making a pattern similar to a tic-tac-toe board.
Once you've completed all your cakes, walk the pan over to the sink or over the garbage can and blow off or wipe off the excess cinnamon sugar. If you don't, it will sit on top and burn and create a not-so-great smell and make it harder to clean your pans later.
Step 4:
Place in a 325* over for about 20 minutes or so (you'll need to cook large cupcakes or a cake longer). I will give you a heads up and tell you that because of the sugar crystallizing, they will not look done on the top, so don't try to brown the tops. When you start to see some golden edges down the sides just below the top of the pan, stick a toothpick in the middle of a couple and see if they come out clean. If they do, they're done!
I really hope you have a much success and fun with these as I did! Good luck!
~ Jen